Lag shot swing trainer review

Lag Shot Golf Review – PROS & CONS

Lag is something that all golfers would like to have in their swings; it’s just hard to get the feeling of lag down. Luckily, that’s where the Lag Shot training aid comes into play. I recently tested the Lag Shot and decided to do the Lag Shot Golf review.

I was surprised by how difficult it was to use at first. It really showed me how much lag I’m missing out on in my game and what I can do to fix it.

Lag Shot Key Benefits

The Lag Shot is a golf club with a very flexible graphite shaft designed to move and sway as you hit. The clubhead is also quite heavy, giving you a better idea as to where it is and what it’s doing in your swing. As you swing the Lag Shot, the goal is to capitalize on the lag it creates instead of trying to control the club so much.

Naturally, Add Lag 

With the Lag Shot, you simply take your natural swing. The weighting of the club takes all the mechanics out of it and allows you to feel what it takes to create natural lag throughout the swing.

More Distance

When you swing more freely and add in the extra lag, you will get more distance. Some golfers were able to hit each club almost 15 yards further when adding lag. I noticed an instant 5 yards, and I think if I work with the Lag Shot more, the distance gains could be even greater.

Increased Accuracy

The weighting of the Lag Shot helps you get the club into a better position at the top of the backswing. In addition, you will have less tendency to rush the transition from backswing to downswing. 

Getting the correct positions throughout the swing certainly made it easier for me to hit straighter shots that I felt more confident about.

Better Tempo

Finally, finding your tempo while using the Lag Shot is quite simple. In fact, it almost feels like your tempo is created for you simply by swinging the club. I noticed that the Lag Shot was a great tool to use as a warm-up before a round, as it can set your tempo for the rest of the day.

Who Is The Lag Shot For?

The Lag Shot is a great training aid for golfers who are looking to get a little extra distance, improve their overall tempo, and increase accuracy on the course. For a club that is simply designed with a flexible shaft and a little extra weight, it’s very impressive how much the Lag Shot can do for your game. I would recommend this for golfers of all handicap abilities.

Lag Shot Commercial:

Final Thoughts: What I Like About The Lag Shot

The first time you use Lag Shot, you will notice that it’s really hard to get the club stable and to hit a good shot. That is exactly the point! When you work with the Lag Shot, you will notice results rather quickly. I like taking 3 or 4 swings with the Lag Shot and then switching to my regular clubs to try and recreate the feeling.

Are You Serious About Your Game Improvement?

If you want to improve even faster, here are some other articles and reviews I wrote recently:

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